Zivko Damevski has dealth with alternative medicine and curing of skin deseases for more than 40 years.He
has gained many prominent rewards, in the country, as well as abroad.He has also won gold medals and testimonials.He has achived
great success in curing many skin deseases, such as:
- Colon-Debelo crevo
- Eczema-Egzema
- Psoriasis-Psorijaza
- Noduli haemorridales-Hemoroidi
- Alopetia areata-Kosopas
- Skin cancer-Kozni rakovi
- Alergy-Alergija
- Cystis, Fistyla-Cisti, Fistuli
- Herpes simplex-Herpes
- Vitiligo
- Gangrena